Our products & services
What we do
Digital transformation of concrete operations
focused on improving people's lives

Increase your productivity
Our software and technology handles repetitive and beaurocratic processes to free you from tedious tasks.

Improve your bottom line
We customize our solutions to help you reduce costs while improving quality and customer satisfaction.

Automate tasks & analysis
Our system automatically detects non compliances and points you in the right direction to help you make informed decisions.
Our Value Proposition
State of the art technology
with a human focus
Technology should make
your job easier, and your life better

Main target: your CONCRETE
By far the largest savings potential is with the concrete itself: selecting the optimal raw materials and mix proportions to deliver reliable quality at the minimum cost.

Modular & flexible system
The different parts of our system can be acquired and implemented independently, step by step, adapting to every situation and need. Do it at your own pace.

Central decision making
We interface with any existing system to integrate their inputs into our QA/QC Business Intelligence system. We take care of the complexity of making it all fit together.
We make software with YOU in mind
Concrete is a quiky business. We tackle its complexity and make it easy to manage.

The keys for digital transformation
The 4 pillars of digital transformation

Specialized Software
Using specialized software for specific tasks, overcoming the limitations of Excel-based templates and analysis, and obtaining full connectivity everywhere.

Sensors & Monitoring
Incorporation of sensors and monitoring technologies to increase control and gain full visibility of different stages of the process, such as production, transport, on site, etc.

Linking Systems
Linking different software packages together to obtain a comprehensive business intelligence system that provides full traceability and allows for informed decision making.

Automating Tasks
Automating tasks such as data entry, specifications compliance, etc. This reduces human errors and frees up time for senior staff to focus on decision making instead of collating data.
We're part of your team
We accompany you all the way, in every way
Along with our software we also provide consultancy:
- Define your business goals
- Design together a work & action plan
- Customize and implement our software solutions
- Improve your processes and make your business more profitable
Our software grows with you
Transforming a business takes time and effort. We accompany you all the way and customize our solutions to your specific needs, while your people learn and the company’s culture adapts to a new paradigm.